Reaching out

Friday, July 24, 2009


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Talking about writing articles. It is easy to note that articles are found in many places, on most websites; almost anywhere that the written word can be placed. One word, a topic, can be elaborated and made to morph into many words to state that single starting thought and become a fully-articulated article. They can be unreadable, and the Internet seems to be especially abundant with these. I would accept that the Net runs on articles.
The principal resting place of many articles would have to be SEO blogs and article directories. But, there are other forms of content, like drawings and audio and software like page generators, and such. Articles have a special appeal to people and search engines. Which is to aver that they are principally written with this type of audience in mind. The idea that articles are written for people is no rocket science. What is not easily understood is the reason for writing articles for search engines which is another article altogether. Articles are mainly written by people but they may also be written or written by people and re-written by a machine. Markov engines they call them. A picture paints a thousand words, We still need words to describe it. A website would have a number of articles in it.
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