Reaching out

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Reaching for the stars

Or reaching for the Brass Ring or maybe just reaching for our dreams. We aspire to transcend our mundane, humdrum existence by reaching out to that which can only be seen by one who believes. Everyone says we are nothing but ordinary people but the reality of our existence refuses to accept this drab assessment of our beings. We want to be more and we let our imaginations soar where they are not ridiculed or belittled and simply be allowed free rein to be who we dare to be.

Like brave little seeds that soar on wings of the wind that bear them aloft, free to colonize and populate desolate places, our minds invent those nebulouos phantasms that are not there and make them real. Our minds reach out beyond the hard, concrete and steel reality of the Urban Jungle and fly up to the sky and be one with the clouds and the stars that dot the summer night sky.

No man is an island. No man lives in isolation. Everyone wants to be reachable

To break out of the isolation, Jai's Directory assists the happy surfer. Ching's Directory does the same.


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