Reaching out

Monday, May 29, 2006

Babies need touching

Inside the womb a baby feels the warmth of the mother's blood as it circulates its energy, bringing refreshing oxygen and nourishment to his own hungry cells and tissues that seem insatiably wanting for more; he feels the reasurring rhythm of her heartbeat beating in sync with his own. Closely held by in the mother's belly he feels himself a part of a world that is safe and complete. He needs nothing more and he stays for nine months before that great moment when he feels compelled to struggle and move and travel down to a new world, forced along by the contractions of his mother's muscles to the sound of the doctor's encouraging words; he makes his way amid much pain and agonizing moments to a world he has not seen before. The shock of sudden change in temperature has the doctor scrambling to clean him up and let him take his first breath and his first cry of shock or astonishment or victory perhaps as though to say,"watch out world, here I come".

Quickly wrapped in warm blankets he settles down to the warm embrace of his mother and he feels safe, secure, needed and loved once more. He is home and he knows it.

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